+44 7478 549592


Plant oil

Our plant oil is fresh, virgin and natural. It's the gold standard of cooking and stir-frying your favourite food with all preserved healthy fats and minerals. Our cooking oil is versatile because it can be used in any cooking type, such as dressing, stir-fry, curries, or baking food items. Our plant oil has a high smoking point as raw meat gets a flavorful grassy or peppery flavour.

'sunflower oil', 'canned sunflower oil', 'Refined sunflower oil'
'corn oil', 'canned corn oil', 'Refined corn oil'

Our plant oil is healthy

We offer a great value of plant oil because we care for your health and hygiene. It's organic yet hygienic to cook a meal in it. Our plant oil is rapeseed, extracted from seeds of edible and non-edible plants and flowers.

Therefore our plant oil contains a good amount of monosaturated fat and a limited amount of polyunsaturated fat, which is good for your body.

'sunflower oil', 'canned sunflower oil', 'Refined sunflower oil'
'corn oil', 'canned corn oil', 'Refined corn oil'

Animal oil

We extract animal fat from cows, goats, sheep and ducks. It's halal, and all the ingredients and animal oil itself are made meticulously in halal ways. It's the most natural form of fat and oil for cooking purposes.

Animal oil has a high smoking point

Our animal oil has a high smoking point. It is good and healthy after heating to a high smoking point, unlike the others. They're highly saturated and solid at room temperatures. Our animal oil is mainly used for stir-frying and making curries out of it.

'sunflower oil', 'canned sunflower oil', 'Refined sunflower oil'